✦ skateable is a road smoothness and safety map designed to help skaters and bikers find the best (and avoid the worst) routes to ride on.
✦ The map details how safe a route is (outer line color) and how well paved a route is (inner line color). Users can draw new routes, leave comments about them, or explore routes already contributed to the map.
✦ The project was inspired by my own desire to track the best ways to get to college classes on my longboard. I realized that there's a whole community of people who commute via bike/skateboard/rollerskates and there aren't many resources to help them find safe ways to get where they need to be.
✦ Click "how to" for more details on how to use, and happy riding!
✦ CatanHelper is a board generator and analyzer for the game Settlers of Catan.
✦ Upload an image of a board from the physical board game or colonist.io, and CatanHelper will analyze the best positions to place your first settlements.
✦ Or, generate a board with a variety of settings to control tile placement and ranking system.
✦ This project came about because my friends and I could never decide on a "fair" board when playing Catan. Randomness was the only way for us all to agree.
✦ Ports and more advanced rankings coming soon!